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This provides useful infomration and vital training tips to prepare you and your pets to be ready when severe weather strikes.
If you've added a new puppy to your family and are feeling overwhelmed, or just want to set your new puppy up for success, you will find lots of useful and helpful information in this article, as well as some puppy training tips.
If you're on our website, then it's a fairly good guess that you are researching and looking for a great dog trainer. While we hope you will hire us, our greatest concern is that you hire the right dog trainer for you and your best friend. In this article, you will learn the importance of these 6 characteristics of a great dog trainer: 1) your trainer is certified 2) your trainer is force-free 3) your trainer is insured 4) your trainer fits your training needs 5) your trainer has excellent reviews 6) your trainer provides good value for their cost. Check out our Cooperative Canine training options, and please reach out! We'd love to hear from you and help you on your training journey.
In this article, The Cooperative Canine owner Telani Lasoleille discusses the possible reasons for sudden behavior changes in your dog and how to rule out these alternative causes for sudden dog behavior changes before you hire a dog behaviorist.
Whether you are getting a puppy or an adult dog, this articles explains why training is always an important part of successfully integrating your new family member into your home.
There are many dog trainers who use “training collars.” This term refers to several types of collars that “correct” a dog’s behavior. In this article, you will learn what the various types of training collars are and how they "work". You will also learn what sets The Cooperative Canine apart - their use of force-free, fear-free training techniques.
It might surprise you to know that dogs don’t need training. Dogs behave in exactly the way they need to meet their needs. Read on in this article to learn more about how force-free, fear-free dog training principles allow your dog to still be a dog, while helping them adjust to a life of domestication.
Are you and your dog out of sync? Does it seem like your dog just isn't getting it? Sometimes no matter how hoard you try, it can feel like you and your dog are on different pages. In this article, Telani explains why you may be experiencing these obstacles in your dog's training.
In April 2023, England announced the ban on shock collars. While several other countries enjoy a ban on shock collars, unfortuantely the United States are not one of them. However, we as individuals, can make the informed personal decision NOT to use them. We, here at The Cooperative Canine, are on board with that decision and are ready to help you achieve positive results without the use of electronic shock collars.
Looking for a dog trainer should be fairly easy, right? You get on Google and search for “dog trainer” or maybe “dog trainer, city.” You get a page full of results. How do you know which dog trainer to choose? Which one is the best? Which one is the most budget friendly? In search of these answers, most people go to the reviews. Reviews are just as frustrating, because all the trainers have 5-star reviews, and you don't even know if they're real, because the review-writing industry is booming. So what are you supposed to do? Read on in this article to learn more about what all of these things mean, and how to decode the language of dog training.
Learn more about the owner and lead dog trainer at The Cooperative Canine, Telani Lasoleille. Telani shares her back story of how she became passionate about force-free, fear-free dog training and her vision for the future of The Cooperative Canine and their clients.
Understanding dog behavior is the first step to understanding our furry best friends. In this article, Telani gives you a glimpse into the world of dog behavior.
Learn why order matters in giving dog training cues and is essential for effective communication, behavior modification, and cue reinforcement. Discover strategies to prevent poisoned cues and improve dog training success.
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